German Schools Explained is a project started by German parents and expat parents who arrived in Germany at some point and they and their children had to learn to navigate in German schooling system the hard way. They, being consultants, trainers and professionals in their own work environments, decided it was time to pass on the knowledge and experience collected over the past many years, onto you.

You will learn a lot from our website and from our FB community for free. We are all in it to help, either because it would be a pitty for all this knowledge to be lost, or because we all wish someone helped us like this, years ago. So do explore the website and contact us for free consultation. However, if you are new to Germany or you feel your child needs proper support from you or us, get in touch to book us as your educational coach, or join our live webinars, or listen to recorded webinars in your own time. All works for us.

Our Mission

Happy, educated and successful children in german schooling system.

Our Vision

We help families find the right place for themselves (for their children) in german schooling system, with a goal of having happy, balanced children enjoying their education in Germany and achieving success in it.

We believe in our values

Reading a document helps, sharing experiences inspires and transforms. Your journey in german schooling system is unique, as are your children. We know A LOT, but we might not know everything. We tell you if that's the case.